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May 2014

What’s happening at Wash U today. For alumni, parents, and friends.
McLeod’s Living Legacy Celebrated
Chancellor Wrighton honors Washington University’s James E. McLeod Scholars at a luncheon in his home.

Washington University Commencement: May 16, 2014
Relive fond memories through photos, #wustl14 on social media, and a live day-of webcast.

New Center Aims to Use Immune System to Fight Cancer
Pioneering research at the School of Medicine demonstrates that the immune system can recognize cancers and regulate their growth.

Students Win Breast Cancer Startup Challenge
Team has been invited to launch a startup for the commercial advancement of a recent discovery in cancer treatment.

Tate Named Dean of the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
William F. Tate, PhD, plans to lead the school into new areas of transdisciplinary collaboration.

Staudt Named Dean of the School of Law
Nationally recognized scholar Nancy Staudt, JD, PhD, comes from the University of Southern California Gould School of Law.

Making Knowledge Stick
Psychologists in the College of Arts & Sciences suggest testing methods that facilitate learning and retrieval.

Leading Together: The Campaign for Washington University is a historic effort to raise $2.2 billion in support of scholarships, life-changing research, and much more. We invite you to:
•  View photo galleries from campaign kickoff events across the country.
•  Visit the Leading Together newsfeed for the latest campaign updates.
•  Read about extraordinary faculty, such as Prof. Hillary Anger Elfenbein, who is challenging notions of "soft skills" in business education.
Would you like to help Washington University build community, support students, and continue its groundbreaking research?
•  Volunteer your time and talent
•  Make a gift of any amount
•  Join the conversation at events or in your community

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alumniassociation@wustl.edu (866) 988-7477


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