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July 2014

What’s happening at Wash U today. For alumni, parents, and friends.
Brain Imaging and Serendipity
Professor Deanna Barch works to identify the structural differences in the brains of individuals with schizophrenia.

Economic Fragility
Professors from the School of Law and the Brown School discuss the challenges American workers face in the new economy.

Get Up!
Standing during meetings can lead to heightened creativity and greater openness to new ideas.

Q&A: Georgia Binnington
An associate dean of the Sam Fox School discusses her passion for scholarships.

Landmark Study:
"For the Sake of All"

A joint Washington University and Saint Louis University team offer policy suggestions for lingering inequalities in the region.

Humans Changing Chinese Environment for 3,000 Years
An archaeology professor explains how ancient attempts to alter the flow of the Yellow River led to massive flooding.

Leading Together: The Campaign for Washington University is a historic effort to raise $2.2 billion in support of scholarships, life-changing research, and much more. We invite you to:
•  View photo galleries from campaign kickoff events across the country.
•  Visit the Leading Together newsfeed for the latest campaign updates.
•  Watch Together We Grow, a video featuring students who have benefited from scholarship support.
Would you like to help Washington University build community, support students, and continue its groundbreaking research?
•  Volunteer your time and talent
•  Make a gift of any amount
•  Join the conversation at events or in your community

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