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November 2018

What's happening on and off campus today. For alumni, parents, and friends.


Mind’s Quality Control Center Found in Long-Ignored Brain Area
WashU researchers discover that the cerebellum—once thought to be limited to regulating movement—plays a critical role in most executive functions, including attention, thinking, and decision-making.


Taylor Commitment Will Accelerate Psychiatric Drug Development
$10 million gift will enable institute launched by Taylor family to continue developing innovative treatments for mental illnesses.

Child Maltreatment Research Center to Engage, Train Community
$6.5 million grant supports work to prevent child abuse and neglect and promote healthy development among its survivors.

Founders Day Honors Exceptional Alumni, Faculty, Friends
Awards presented November 3 during annual event commemorating the founding of Washington University in 1853.


Groundbreaking Celebrated for James M. McKelvey, Sr. Hall
New east end engineering school building named for dean emeritus thanks to $15 million gift from his son James McKelvey Jr.

Researchers Receive Department of Energy Grant for Wetlands Work
WashU scientists are investigating the effects of heavy metals in river and marsh soil on greenhouse gas production.

Study Links Behavior Factors to Success, Failure of Startups
Olin Business School professor finds that overly confident entrepreneurs often fare as well as their more cautious counterparts.


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alumniassociation@wustl.edu (866) 988-7477

©2018. Washington University in St. Louis. All rights reserved.

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