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May 2019

What's happening on and off campus today. For alumni, parents, and friends.


School of Medicine Commits
$100 Million for Scholarships,
Curriculum Renewal

Investment will allow as many as half of future medical students to attend tuition free and many others to receive partial support.


Centene and WashU Collaborate to Advance Personalized Medicine
Company will provide up to $100 million to galvanize research on Alzheimer’s disease, breast cancer, diabetes, and obesity.

Solar Expansion Spans Three Campuses Across University
When latest installations are complete, WashU will be one of the largest consumers of on-site solar energy in the St. Louis area.

2019 Olin Award: Machine Learning Meets Customer Choice Modeling
Two business school professors tested their algorithm on Alibaba for a week and raised the company’s revenue by 28 percent.

Graduating Seniors Advocate for Resilient, Eco-Friendly Cities
Classmates and friends believe that community building and strong relationships are key to fighting global climate change.

Brown School: Participation Is High in First Universal CDA Program
Analysis finds that child development accounts have the potential to promote long-term asset building for families

Creating Sustainable Bioplastics From Electricity-Eating Microbes
Arts & Sciences researchers are making biodegradable plastic by feeding microbes electricity harvested from the sun and wind.


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One Brookings Drive, Campus Box 1210, St. Louis, Missouri 63130
alumniassociation@wustl.edu (866) 988-7477

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