University News
Jeffrey Gordon,
MD, director of the Center for Genome Sciences and Systems Biology at the School of Medicine, has been named the 2013 recipient of the Robert Koch Award. The award is widely regarded as the leading international prize in microbiology.
Shelby Jordan,
a 1974 graduate of the College of Arts & Sciences, has been inducted into the Divisional College Football Hall of Fame by the National Football Foundation.
Susan Mackinnon,
MD, the Sydney M. Shoenberg Jr. and Robert H. Shoenberg Professor and chief of the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the School of Medicine, received the 2013 Jacobson Innovation Award of the American College of Surgeons for her leadership in developing innovative nerve-transfer procedures for patients with devastating peripheral nerve injuries.
Barbara Schaal,
PhD, dean of the faculty of Arts & Sciences, has been appointed chair of an advisory group that will lead the National Academy of Sciences's new Gulf of Mexico program. The program will focus on human health, environmental protection and oil system safety in the Gulf.
University News
Mary-Dell Chilton, PhD (left), celebrates with Barbara Schaal, PhD, at the 2009 installation ceremony naming Schaal the Mary-Dell Chilton Distinguished Professor in Arts & Sciences.
Mary-Dell Chilton, PhD, who did pioneering work on plant genetics during the 1970s and early 1980s while on the biology faculty at Washington University, is one of three recipients of the 2013 World Food Prize, an honor often described as the “Nobel Prize of Biotechnology”... more
MBA student Michael McLaughlin, who trekked more than 2,500 miles to raise money and awareness for abused and neglected children, and Olin Business School were named winners of the 2013 TeamMBA Awards, which honor graduate business and management students “in the business of giving back”... more
An innovative new building will transform Washington University's school of social work and public health... more

IMAGE: Robert Boston
Richard Wilson, PhD, director of The Genome Institute at the School of Medicine, was named the world’s most-cited researcher... more
The Human Connectome Project, a five-year endeavor to link brain connectivity to human behavior, has released a set of high-quality imaging and behavioral data to the scientific community... more
Washington University School of Law students work to provide better representation for juveniles... more
Young entrepreneur and future WUSTL student Shea Gouldd poses with one of her creations.
The National Federation of Independent Business Young Entrepreneur Foundation has awarded its highest honor to future Washington University student Shea Gouldd. Gouldd, who owns the No. 1 bakery in Delray Beach, Fla., will attend the Olin Business School in the fall... more
Washington University grads have the confidence and skills to pursue their dreams — even if those dreams don’t quite mesh with their majors... more
A team of scientists is testing instruments vying for a place on the 2020 Mars mission in the Atacama Desert... more |
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