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February 2015

What’s happening at Wash U today. For alumni, parents, and friends.
A Commitment to Socioeconomic Diversity and Affordability
Washington University sets an ambitious, high-priority goal to increase its number of Pell Grant-eligible students.

Community Invited to Explore Race and Ethnicity
On February 5 and 6, the Washington University community will come together for a Day of Discovery and Dialogue.

Washington People: Carmon Colangelo
A conversation with Carmon Colangelo, Dean of the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts.

Civic Scholars Program Develops Engaged Citizens
The Gephardt Institute offers two years of training and mentorship to prepare students for a lifetime of civic engagement.

Alzheimer's Research Aims for Early Treatment
Washington University researchers hope to identify biological changes that will allow doctors to start treatment years before memory loss begins.

Your Friends Know How Long You'll Live
A psychology professor analyzes data that suggests close friends can best assess the personality traits that lead to longevity.

ANITA III Launched Over Antarctica
Physics professors have launched a stratospheric balloon over Antarctica to measure high-voltage particles in the atmosphere.

Leading Together: The Campaign for Washington University is a historic effort to raise $2.2 billion in support of scholarships, life-changing research, and much more. We invite you to:
•  View photo galleries from campaign kickoff events across the country.
•  Visit the Leading Together newsfeed for the latest campaign updates.
•  Read about generous alumni and friends of the university, such as Thomas and Jennifer Hillman, who recently made a naming gift for the Brown School expansion.
Would you like to help Washington University build community, support students, and continue its groundbreaking research?
•  Volunteer your time and talent.
•  Make a gift of any amount.
•  Join the conversation at events or in your community.

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  Washington University in St. Louis Alumni & Development
One Brookings Drive, Campus Box 1210, Saint Louis, Missouri 63130
alumniassociation@wustl.edu (866) 988-7477


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