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November 2015

What’s happening on and off campus today. For alumni, parents, and friends.
Reimagining Olin Library​​​
Thanks to generous gifts and commitments from alumni and friends, a renovation will transform Olin Library into a center for 21st-century scholarship. A new entrance, state-of-the-art technology, an exhibit gallery, and increased space for study, exploration, and special collections will enhance academic and research excellence at the university.

  Alumni Association on Instagram
Follow us on Instagram for images that celebrate our vibrant university community.

Law Dean Nancy Staudt Installed as Cayne Professor
A renowned expert on tax law, Dean Staudt is now the inaugural Howard and Caroline Cayne Professor of Law.

A New Way to Fight Viruses
School of Medicine scientists have uncovered weapons within the body's immune system that could defeat severe viral infections.

From the History Department to Capitol Hill
Meet Stephanie Hammond, AB '09, whose undergraduate senior thesis led to a job in the halls of Congress.

Arts & Sciences Launches Medical Humanities Minor
The new minor will examine issues of health and health care as core human experiences from the perspective of humanities disciplines.

Churchill's Paintings on Display at Kemper Museum
The Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum will host one of the largest exhibitions of Winston Churchill’s artwork ever displayed in North America from November 13–February 14.

IDEA Labs "Problem Day" Event Teaches Student Entrepreneurs the Keys to Success
IDEA Labs, a nonprofit bioengineering incubator born on the Washington University campus, recently kicked off a seven-month effort to help students develop innovative solutions to clinical problems.

Leading Together: The Campaign for Washington University is a historic effort to raise $2.2 billion in support of scholarships, life-changing research, and much more. We invite you to:
•  View photo galleries from campaign kickoff events across the country.
•  Visit the Leading Together newsfeed for the latest campaign updates.
•  Learn about exciting developments like Hillman Hall, which more than doubles the Brown School's teaching and research space.
Would you like to help Washington University build community, support students, and continue its groundbreaking research?
•  Volunteer your time and talent.
•  Make a gift of any amount.
•  Join the conversation at events or in your community.

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  Washington University in St. Louis Alumni & Development
One Brookings Drive, Campus Box 1210, Saint Louis, Missouri 63130
alumniassociation@wustl.edu (866) 988-7477


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