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July 2019

What's happening on and off campus today. For alumni, parents, and friends.


Andrew D. Martin Begins Tenure
as 15th Chancellor

June marked a new chapter in Washington University history as distinguished administrator, academic, and alumnus assumed leadership.


Protein Extracted From Young Mice Extends Life Span of Older Mice
School of Medicine study finds that an enzyme also produced by humans staved off effects of aging and increased longevity.

Understanding Your Biases: Good, Bad, Explicit, and Unconscious
Arts & Sciences faculty members explain the roots and often harmful consequences of bias, including how we can reduce it.

Perceived Confidence, Competence Best Predictors of Startup Funding
Olin School professors used data from the TV show Shark Tank to determine how first impressions influenced investors’ decisions.

Alumni Summer Photo Contest: Going Places With WashU!
Through Sept. 2, the Alumni Association invites you to submit a photo of yourself at your vacation destination with WashU gear

Brown School Research: Gender Norms Cause Health Disparities
Pressure for men and women to behave according to social expectations starts in childhood and negatively affects well-being.

McKelvey Engineering Team Improves Analysis of Ciliated Cells
Technique could advance treatments for infertility, chronic middle-ear infections, hydrocephalus, and other conditions.


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Washington University in St. Louis Alumni & Development
One Brookings Drive, Campus Box 1210, St. Louis, Missouri 63130
alumniassociation@wustl.edu (866) 988-7477

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